By hate - 06/07/2017 11:58

Today, I spent 2 hours scrubbing puke off the dishes in the kitchen. Why? Because my moronic flatmate was dared by his equally moronic friend to drink a bottle of castor oil and then eat an entire jar of marmite. As a result, he projectile vomited all over all the dishes and left me to clean up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 232
You deserved it 456

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why did you clean them?? I would have demanded him to wash the dishes.

chocolateteacup 25

That's not your mess to clean up OP!


Adeline90 10

That was not your mess to clean, but I understand why you did so. Seeing as you live with an idiot, it was much safer and sanitary for you to sanitize the plates and cutlery he messed up. Word of advice: get another roomate, but with brains.

For ****'s sake, that's disgusting. You should've made him clean it up.

You should of told him to clean up! Your the dumb ass who actually cleaned up. You didnt have to!

That's disgusting, I cringed reading this. Why did you clean it up? You should have left it to him.

wafflefriez91 17

you need to move out because **** that.