By effme - 01/06/2010 06:05 - United States

Today, I spent ages applying for a scholarship online. I found out on the very last page that I do not meet the qualifications for it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 942
You deserved it 11 068

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI figure out all the prerequsites before you spend so long on the application


281go 4

dude that sucks should have checked before.... and ay there still lots of scholarships out there......

sallen0046 4

Oh yeah, you're going to do fabulous at college. It's called "research". Learn how to do it or you're just going to waste thousands of dollars and years of your life.

I would hate going through that. Actually, I only got one scholarship and it was from my school. Oh yeah, and I was in the top 10 at my school... top 4% in California >_> oh well

luckymay 0

they should put the qualifications on the first page lol

well, at least you found out then, instead of applying and feeling like an idiot later :)

What sort of qualifications? Most are pretty easy to find out about.

rachilio 26

That's the idea. You apply, and then you see if you meet requirements or not.

Saying both (not a grammar nazi) because of the way you spelt online I mean you applied for a scholarship and spelt online wrong