By effme - 01/06/2010 06:05 - United States

Today, I spent ages applying for a scholarship online. I found out on the very last page that I do not meet the qualifications for it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 942
You deserved it 11 068

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI figure out all the prerequsites before you spend so long on the application


ouch.... smart well... this tips into the ydi section cuz that wax just stupid

dugumit 0

your the kind of person used car salesmen and mortgage brokers love. good luck in life.

or he shouldve been black then he'd qualify for every scholarship there is >.>

winslow310560 0

I think your being over dramatic

Bubbelz 25

I saw this FML when it was fresh! Then my app made me log in again and this FML (along with .. other ones) disappeared. Thought they deleted it. I hope they fix these bugs :/

not really an fml, but sorry you wasted your time.

You should have checked, but they should also have put the qualifications at the beginning...

sorcerersinger 0
DinaBoBina 0

aww that sucks big time dude :P