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By BrokeAF - 22/12/2016 12:21

Today, I eagerly applied for a high-salary, fully supportive graduate program that I qualified for. There were 5 steps in the application process. I was turned down after the first one. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 800
You deserved it 892

Same thing different taste

Top comments

if it is high salary, fully supportive... I guess the competition must be tough. you probably need to be over qualified than just qualified.

Turned down for what?! I'll see myself out.


if it is high salary, fully supportive... I guess the competition must be tough. you probably need to be over qualified than just qualified.

Turned down for what?! I'll see myself out.

Would have been funny if not for the overused "I'll see myself out" line.

And if not for the overused "turn down for what" joke.

itssnotfunny 24

I mean, I guess it's better finding out on the first and not after the 5th so you didn't waste your time.

slapstick1982 20

Why do we live in a world where everyone has to give p/c, empathetic replies. What happened to tough love? Maybe just how I was raised

don't worry there are still plenty of assholes insulting people under the guise of "tough love".

Because being polite is a bad thing? Did you really just imply that empathy is an undesirable trait? You realize having little or no empathy is a characteristic of anti-social personality disorder, also known as psychopaths and sociopaths. Not giving empathy is a BAD thing. Constant criticism or "tough love," is damaging, it does not raise confident, well-rounded members of society. It lowers self-esteem and makes people feel worthless. People work best when they're comfortable, not when they're on edge. Sorry some people were raised not to be a dick.

People love throwing "pc" around whenever they don't agree with someone else's ideas/choices. You think you earned something, you're being pc. You think something should be said in such a way that it doesn't offend someone, you're being pc. Just because you were raised differently doesn't mean that everyone else who doesn't think like you, is being pc. And even if someone is, why do you care?

agreed. like wtf everyones so lazy and unambitious these days bc theyre told they are "good enough, intelligent etc"... like bitch work harder

slapstick1982 20

So you're saying a fit was thrown? I guess my comment also stems from the "Everyone gets a trophy for participating" mentality. In life there are winners and losers in all aspects. Too much coddling can't be good for development. IMO.

akelly727 0

I'm sure there are lots of assholes out there, including myself, but #10, what about people with fake sincerity, aren't they asshole as well?

If you really think tough love is the best way to go, you can tap the YDI button instead of throwing a fit.

that's life. we can't get everything that we want.

PePziNL 20

To be honest, I'd rather have that than fail at the 5th step. At least they didnt waste your time!

I guess they thought you weren't that qualified for it. . .

well someone overestimated themselves, huh

I used to screen resumes for a living, for a basic, entry level blue/white collar job (I live in Melbourne Aus - 5m people) you'll see 200-350 applicants. For a job like this there will be 2,000+. The reality is an average joe like you is better off setting your sites lower, you're simply not good enough to be that 1 in 2,000, aim lower, get an entry level job that you like, and can advance in. It won't be high paid, and it may not be in the field you want, but that's okay, a job is better than no job.