By bluediva24 - 26/01/2011 00:54

Today, I spent all day preparing a big, elaborate Italian dinner for my boyfriend, who recently discovered he was part Italian. He came home, turned up his nose and said "I was in the mood for Chinese". FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 878
You deserved it 4 151

Same thing different taste


Why is it a big deal that he's part Italian? So are a lot of people. You didn't need to make a big deal about it. Not YDI stupid, but stupid.

YDI for assuming he would eat food based on his race.

Sounds like something my mother would- er did do.

Then tell him he can go get Chinese and deadbolt the door once he's gone.

Alastrina_fml 20

My fiance eats whatever I cook, no matter what it is. [it always turns out so good, he licks his plate clean] =) Don't bother cooking and wasting a thoughtful effort on someone so ungrateful!

sugarbear0727 19

My ex did that crap all the time.

What a douche! Have him make dinner and turn him down, then he will understand how it feels.

Kick his Italian ass out of your life. I would be grateful to have a woman cook anything for me. My wife is a good woman, but she lacks in cooking skills, so I usually cook family meals. Seriously though, no one deserves that Bullshit. Life is too short for Douchebags.

Did he tell you he wanted a big Italian dinner or did you just assume he did?