By Anonymous - 23/08/2019 00:01

Today, I spent five hours in the back seat of a car with two dogs. Both had been sprayed by a skunk earlier in the day. One had a gas problem. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 725
You deserved it 212

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wasn't this outlawed in the Geneva convention?

Are you also a dog? I'm sorry, I read this and thought it funnier as if you weren't really complaining and just voicing your observations.


Are you also a dog? I'm sorry, I read this and thought it funnier as if you weren't really complaining and just voicing your observations.

well good luck getting that smell out of your nose or clothes.


Well.. at least the dog farts were covered up by the skunk smell.

Well, that doesn't actually seem to be the case here. Otherwise, said farts wouldn't have been noticed or remarked upon by OP....

perhaps the smell was masked and o p was simply complaining about the noise from explosive flatulence?

katydid91 31

Look on the bright side, your sinuses are probably pretty clear right now.