By unaware - 19/09/2012 04:14 - United States - Columbus

Today, I spent ten minutes looking for my cell phone in the dark, only to realize the light I was using was my cell phone's. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 018
You deserved it 35 275

Same thing different taste

Top comments

thatpeachyperson 12

It's a blonde moment, we've all had one.

Hiimhaileypotter 52

I've been looking for mine all over...only to realize I was talking on it. :p


Using his cells light to look for his cell so he can use the light to look for the glasses that are on his head that he needs so he can see to find a pencil thats sitting on his ear to write a note. We've all been there. But still, YDI.

SystemofaBlink41 27

"I can't imagine where my cellphone could- *realizes phone is in hand* Oooooooh! *cheesy sitcom laugh and credits*

I hate when that happens OP! It also seems to happen a hell of a lot with my glasses FML lol

rebel_belle1974 5

"here's your sign"- Bill Engvall

Before u start lookin for them too, your glasses are on top of your head!

expertsmilee 26

You should use that pic for your Christmas card.

This isn't an FML, this is a stupid moment.

perdix 29

Whenever I need to find something valuable in the dark, I use the reflex . . . fleck-fleck-fleck-fleck-flex.