By _dopey_ - 17/05/2009 17:34 - United Kingdom
Same thing different taste
By foolmetwice - 16/05/2011 14:28
By jcdc - 20/05/2012 15:03 - United States - Georgetown
By whitey - 09/01/2011 11:11 - Australia
By Rach - 08/06/2010 14:24 - United Kingdom
No tip for you
By Anonymous - 06/01/2011 06:34 - United States
By Anonymous - 21/01/2012 14:22 - United States
By Anonymous - 26/07/2022 16:00
By Alexis - 18/08/2021 00:00
By Lulu - 16/07/2017 00:30
By qld - 20/12/2016 10:57 - Australia - Brisbane
Top comments
I got boiling OIL on my FACE the other day. How do I protect THAT from the sun? :-/ Well I'll be lucky if it fades even with no sun... Anyway I sympathize, this really sucks. FYL.
ahhh that sucks. the SAME thing happened to me a few years ago, except it was my right leg instead of my left. they never said anything to me about sun exposure. they gave me special cream for it. just cover it with something while laying out. yes, everything else on your body will be tanner than your leg and stomach, but whatever atleast you'll get to lay out anyway! btw everyone who's saying to put suncreen on, it wouldn't help at all. the sun will just burn it up still. also, when i had my burn, i couldn't wear pants/shorts because it hurt too much. :|
maybe (and this is purely a suggestion) you should skip out on Barbados and take a spelling/grammar class instead. Again...just a suggestion.
I completely agree with #48
Wow normally tea water doesn't do that much damage. Were you naked or something?
How do oyu get boiled tea on your stumach... what fun eh?
#51- it's actually worse when you're wearing clothes...the boiling water makes the clothes stick to your skin and help tear it off, and it stops the water from just trickling off you because clothes hold wetness. in other words, ouch.

Just wear a one-piece (if you're a girl)! If you're a guy, just keep a t-shirt on. it's not that bad. You can still have fun :D
The doctors have a reason for things. They don't prescribe you or advise you just to make your life harder. I don't see why anyone would thumb your comment up.