By kittykat033 - 08/03/2014 17:19 - United States - Honolulu

Today, I started at my new job. My manager, upon meeting me, hugged me and sniffed my neck, then commented that I smelled "natural" and told me how much he loves that. I have to work with this creep until god knows when. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 894
You deserved it 3 906

Same thing different taste


I see a future sexual harassment case being filed in the future

pwnman 33

If he continues to commit any uncomfortable behaviour, don't think in a multiple pattern to report him. Reporting him immediately is a necessary action to commit upon your side.

Are you working with Hannibal Lector by chance?

That's sexual harassment. I'd go to HR.

Shouldn't my profile say I have a confirmed FML now -__-

Yes, Odd must be a bug. Repot sent. BTW you should just report him to HR. Or show him you are taken by having your boyfriend drop you off.

this seems to be a more and more common bug..

That may mean that you actually smell like body odor, in which case you should probably invest in some different deodorant and wear some cologne. Problem solved.

why do people hat on that man so much... he just noticed a smell in her neck, and since when is hugging a bad thing?! or is my view on the world not dark enough to be on FML?

What are you talking about? There is something called respect of someone's private space. He is not entitled to touch a woman (or a man) without their agreement. It's totally creepy and unprofessional.

So, youre telling me you would not be creeped out if anyone, especially your new manager upon first meeting hugged you..and sniffed your neck and commented on how it smelled? I mean whatever floats your boat man but that is extremely weird and creepy

squideth 18

Guess what, you don't get to tell anyone how they should feel about having another person invade their space and make creepy comments! Hooray, you're an idiot!

Screamsteven 7

that's awesome if you can't use that the rest of the time you could maybe file sex abuse Hahahahahahahaha jk maybe