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The sweet smell of success

By joshua - 06/08/2011 00:18 - United States

Today, I started work at my new job. I was excited to have been given an office of my own, but shortly after sitting down at my desk, the door across the hall opened and an unspeakably murderous stench that could've curdled milk seeped in. My office is opposite the men's room. Great. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 790
You deserved it 2 774

Same thing different taste

Top comments

aFatFuck 0

unspeakable things happen in there...

forkbrother13 0

air freshners. lots and lots of air freshners. i love you.


aFatFuck 0

unspeakable things happen in there...

nilin95 1

Bring fibreeze and some car smelly things tomorrow.

Hey at least you have an office instead of a cubicle.

IAmNotAnAnimal 9
yeseniaa14 0
kiefenator 0

Little known fact, Women's washrooms are often worse than men's washroom mainly because the way most women were raised ( not being sexist) is to despise uncleanliness. Therefore they have more of a tendency to do their thing quickly and without care so they can leave earlier. :3

Let me just tell yuh, I know what "happens" inside of both bathrooms when Im around. ;)

What?!?! POO. Oh wait. I forgot girls don't crap

Has anyone ever taken a sniff of a used tampon? It smells funny. Before anyone says, "How would you know?!" I have smelled one before.

^ why the **** would you smell a used tampon?!

jackgoldstein 5

better opposite than adjacent

My first job involved cleaning toilets at an upscale grocery store. Let me just say, I've seen SHIT smeared onto the walls of the women's restrooms, I've seen ******* bloody-ass tampons on the ground, and I've seen the toilet paper used to wipe sitting next to the toilet, not in it. All three of these disgusting acts happened at least once weekly, at different intervals. As for the guys bathrooms, much better. Just speaking from experience here.

Right there with you, No. 84. I worked in a department store and the womens fitting rooms were pigstys. We also had to clean up used tampons and pads, and we had at least one turd left on the carpet each week, not to mention the women who squatted down and pissed on the carpet. It was a FITTING ROOM, not a rest room. It was horrible. I was informed by co-workers in the mens departments that they were always neat and clean and in the entire time I worked at that particular store there were no incidents of men toileting on the fitting room carpets. This is not to say that their shit doesn't stink, only that they at least have the decency to put it where they ought.

84 actually made me LOL. So did the entire FML, actually. Sucks, OP. Invest in a gas mask? That's what I use when the shit smell emanating from the cat box is unusually vile and it's my turn to clean it.

hopelessxdesign 5

I once had to clean bathrooms, men's are definitely worse.

forkbrother13 0

air freshners. lots and lots of air freshners. i love you.

forkbrother13 0


iloveeyouuxD 9

I like watermelon too!:D and I love you to. (no ****. I'm a girl)

Thabb 0
sxe_beast 11

Renuzits!!!!! Get like 100 of them... Win.

Dude, your pic is one of the most frightening things I've ever seen! it is AWESOME!

You mean febreeze...??? The best smelling thing on this earth and you spell it wrong... SHAME, MAN, SHAME!!!

He's Chuck Norris. He can spell in anyway he likes it. Actually, he invented the spelling.

Yes yes I did. And technically in real life I'm ... *whispers* a girl!

TheRealHouse 7

to the tune of weezers sweater song: oh no, you ho, be gone, bye bye, I can't, breathe and, you need, febreeze... if you want me to lick your cooter ho you stink, you havnt washed in days it gets me rattled just to see you naked your a smelly *****, go wash your ****

knight0748 5

This... It might not be proper office etiquette, but if the boss asks, just tell him it's necessary to avoid puking from the stench.

2ndSucks 15

That's the power of pinesol, baby.

2ndSucks 15

Indeed. A day to remember, ftw. :)

BooGhosted 0
2ndSucks 15

Pretty much anything by adtr is great.

sexxme 9

If you are referring to the band adtr by any chance, I'd have to say you have amazing taste in music(:

JustinThunder 8

Sounds like over exaggeration.

SageAnonymous 6

Walk around with tamp's up your nose. You'll stick out at the new job and won't sniff the mens room stank.

omgcookeys 15

Load up on air fresheners :) you're gonna need quite a bit of febreeze to cover up the man smell that will forever lurk behind your door.