By Zekrome - 05/05/2014 07:53 - Canada - Markham

Today, I started going on and on about dogs and their different types of breed, behaviours, expectancy, etc. When someone asked me how I know all this stuff, I meant to say, "I fucking love animals", I didn't think it through and said, "I love fucking animals". FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 501
You deserved it 24 072

Same thing different taste

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Well that must have been awkward ... Lol

ive done this too op haha I still get ripped on about it

I sympathize...sometimes you think your answer through and everything, and your tongue just trips it up!

If you cleaned up your language, this wouldn't have happened.

I would have at least categorized this under pets! xD

I got payed 50 dollars to watch that actually happen once. I should have asked for more.