By harry - 04/12/2009 05:55 - Hong Kong

Today, I started growing hair on my upper lip. I'm finally becoming a man! Too bad I'm a 17 year old girl. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 012
You deserved it 5 206

Same thing different taste

Top comments

that's actually a myth, however you've even got the myth wrong. When you shave hair it appears to grow in darker because as opposed to growing in naturally and tapering to a point like normal hair, it has a blunt edged due to being cut by the razor. Waxing pulls the hair out at the root and therefore when it grows back would not appear any darker than the hair before.

its normal- and trust me, other people wont see it as clearly as you do. you may think that its "omg so dark and awful and hairy", but i can bet that no one else is even going to notice, or care for that matter.


Sober1128 9

It just means your hormones are off. Jeeze.

ghostriley 14

Haha that reminds me of the time I told my friends mom she needed to mow her mustache

Little did Lois no that her discovery that day would propel her mustache modeling career to never-before-seen heights...

I have hair on my chin. I'm a girl. It is ok. Just shave it. I also have PCOS and hair like that is a symptom of it (among many other symptoms)...