By Anonymous - 05/04/2012 01:41 - United States - Lindale

Today, I started my brand new job. I was late because while repairing my favorite pair of high heels, I got Superglue in my eye. They had to scrape my cornea and I have to wear an eye patch. I'm now the "New pirate" in the office. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 807
You deserved it 20 728

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LaColombianita 26

That sounds very painful! But pirate isn't that bad of a nickname.. At least they didn't call you cyclops or something like that lol.


americananarchy 3

How stupid do you have to be to get Superglue i'm your eye?

Daffodilly 14

Owwwww YLS because of how bad that must hurt!! I know how effing bad cornea injuries hurt, I chemically burned mine. Luckily it heals. Sorry about your eye, and the embarrassment (I was called Stevie Wonder for a week), hope you feel better!

"Hmm, this superglue isn't working" *OP stares into tube of superglue and squeezes really hard to test it*

How do you get superglue in your eye??

as an adult....explainjust how in THE HELL you managed this feat? FYL

sounds that your co-workers like you, that's good!

How did you manage to get superglue in your eye...that's what I'd like to know