By Worstjob - 03/03/2011 00:35 - United States

Today, I started my job as a high school janitor. A student decided to welcome me by taking a dump in the urinal. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 315
You deserved it 4 438

Same thing different taste

Top comments

riggens7522 0

I want to know how that kid thinks " oh, I want to shit in the urinal today."

at least he decided to welcome you :)


atomicbaboon 0

at least he didn't write on the wall with his shit.

You should've handled the situation like they did in South Park

eric1152 0

Ahahahahahaa!!! Ydi for being a janitor.

that's why you go to college dumb shit

imnotcraZ 0

you had my pity at high school janitor...

smgray 1

Should have went to college.