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By baddad - 23/09/2013 04:44 - United States

Today, I started shaking my son's Little Bill doll in frustration, as the batteries weren't working. My nosy neighbor saw through the window and called the cops. They wouldn't believe me and now the whole neighborhood thinks I'm a child abuser. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 533
You deserved it 7 792

Same thing different taste

It's not what you think!

By Anonymous - 27/02/2025 03:00 - Canada

Today, I was at a store trying to buy a birthday gift for my niece when I knocked over a stack of porcelain dolls. As they crashed to the floor, a security guard rushed over, but before I could apologize, I heard a tiny voice behind me: “YOU’RE NOT MY REAL DAD!” It was just another prank by my mortified son, but it was too late to stop people glaring at me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 341
You deserved it 113

Top comments

Are you ok? You seem a little shaken up about the whole thing.


I tried that, but the stocks in curtains have plummeted.

\ 28

"Little Bill?" That show is still on the air??

ThatFancyPenn 18

Maybe he should fake his death, move to a big city, and change his last name so that everyone can forget about it.

Are you ok? You seem a little shaken up about the whole thing.

how old is your kid? if he is old enough to speak, get him to testify for you.

Epikouros 31

But don't forget to tell him you'll beat him up if he lies about it.

they might believe that hes lying or that he doesnt dare to speak about it..

I don't know about you guys, but I would never back up the guy who abused my Little Bill doll.

chrisp87 11

Finally someone who is speaking my language.

I hope once you're able to sort this all out you'll tell your neighbour to **** off.

Next time stand in front of the window wile your neighbors are watching and rip the head off of the doll.....have ketchup oelr something nearby for added affects.....I bet they'll never peep arlt uou again

The spelling there was a total shit storm.

IworkAt711 14

He's not drunk, he's just writing on acid.

I was trying to type and walk at the same time, it was reallu difficult because my face turned into a clock and I began to fly through space

Elfkid21 19

shut the hell up. who the hell cares??!! typos ******* happen, get the hell over it!!

wow what an ass hole you don't call the cops unless you see bruises on the kid and he's using excuses like I walked into a door

pheebs314 17

Or not. They could be a mandatory reporter. I am, and we are required to report any suspected abuse immediately, with or without proof.

"Yes I think I'm okay I walked into the door again" "My name is Luka I live on the second floor"

if you hear something strange at night. Some kind of trouble, some kind of fight. Just don't ask me what it was. Just don't ask me what it was.

xStaciexLynnx 15

I'm a mandatory reporter too. You are not supposed to go running to the cops over one thing that you don't actually know what you saw. That's like if a child fell in a classroom and you call the cops the next day because he has bruises on his knees. You have to be responsible about it, not make stupid assumptions.

but the neighbour saw what she thought was child abuse. I doubt she was being malicious and trying to get OP into trouble for nothing. she just assumed she was doing the right thing. but fyl OP for the misunderstanding

pheebs314 17

I didn't say call over every stupid thing... I said I'm required to call over suspected abuse.

My brother and I could never stand Little Bill as kids. He always looks like he's going to die of cancer any second and it disturbed us. OP, I don't think they have any proof of abuse. Unless your child likes to run into doors all day.

thegravytrain 6

I would have b*tched my neighbors who called the cops the f*ck out. I also would have personally taken my baby AND THE DOLL around to every single house and showed them that there was NO bruises on the child and explained what happened.

CharresBarkrey 15

How old is your son that he would have a Little Bill doll? That show was on like 14 years ago