By Anonymous - 16/10/2010 09:57 - United States

Today, I started some laundry late at night. Once my clothes were in the washer for about a half hour, I got bored and I decided I would listen to my iPod. After looking for it for another 15 minutes, I remembered where I'd left it; in my jacket... which is now nice and clean. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 578
You deserved it 27 352

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This is why you always check your pockets before doing laundry.

You know, saying you aren't one just makes you seem more like one.


mintcar 9

You must not do laundry very often. Unless you have the money to buy another, you should just invest in a cheap MP3 player.

my iPhone has had a bath with my kids... been driven over by my car... swiped across my windsheild... buried in the sand... drooled on... dropped from my bike... the list goes on and on... and it still works. I'm typing this on it right now.

mintcar 9

What? Really? You're part of the lucky few. Mine fell in water and the " home" button completely stopped working. I'm glad I had money saved up for a replacement.

tacobird123 7

sounds like you got the limited edition "chuck Norris" iPod.

xxxkittykatxxx 0

Ipods are pretty darn sturdy though

ADiNozzo 1

it might be ok as long as it was off and you don't turn it on while it's wet. I washed my xbox controller after my friend spilled mountain dew all over it including the electronics. threw it in the dish washer had the battery out waited for it to dry an bam it worked just fine.

My ipod survived getting totally soaked while I was riding my bike home from work and it still works. But now I keep all my electronics in a ziploc bag in my backpack on my way home.

omg happened to me... left it alone for a week with that rice trick... and it still works, just doesn't have a backlight -.-;

put it in rice or those silicone gel packs that say "do not eat"

Lauren10102 3

lol yea, i just realized that i could do that, i am new to fml and i have it as an app, sorry i am commenting on a lot of ppls stuff, not just urs

If you're saying that Geiko looks like a creeper I have to say that I like his pic more than most of the guys pictures on fml. He actually has a real, normal picture if himself. Because most of the guys seem to have pictures of their abs (or more likely someone elses abs that were conveniently located on google images)

dinoridinninja 0

don't try turning it on, leave it in a spot that gets sulight for 3 or 4 days to dry out, that's what I did and mine worked happily for another 3 years