By picklet - 12/05/2012 14:36 - Malaysia - Kajang

Today, I started the job of my dreams. Our first marketing meeting was an in-depth analysis of the phrase, "Haters gonna hate, potatoes gonna potate". I have a 5 year contract. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 148
You deserved it 4 536

Same thing different taste


What are you complaining about? That sounds awesome.

AliceLockehart 18

You have a 5 year job contract, in a job you've always wanted, & you're complaining? Fyl? More like **** you buddy. Not everyone has it that easy.

eyecon502 13

Are you working for Snoop?

havocmike 3

and now you've probably broken your confidentiality clause of that contract by bitching online. fool. good luck finding another job

fisch53 5

But can you COUNT to potato?

mrskellinquinn 6

I would kill for that job man!

So you're forced to work there for five years? I didn't know marketing slavery was legal in Malaysia?

I would pay to be a part of that meeting... So how does a potato go about potating?