By picklet - 12/05/2012 14:36 - Malaysia - Kajang

Today, I started the job of my dreams. Our first marketing meeting was an in-depth analysis of the phrase, "Haters gonna hate, potatoes gonna potate". I have a 5 year contract. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 148
You deserved it 4 536

Same thing different taste


Don't worry about that 5year contract. Youre gonna get fired for revealing classified marketing information on fml. Eff yo life. "Couch potatoes gon potate" will be your slogan.

Yeah, because OP gave her information, her name and company for us to track.

jaruk9 4
tittieattack 4

You should be ecstatic. You'll have the easiest time of your life. Stop potatin'.

It's just a play on words. Because haters hate, potatoes must potate.

googlefrewdnoob 0

Its obviously still the job of your dreams if they do that!

Sounds like a great job to me. And if it's truly the job of your dreams, what is there to complain about? It's a catchy slogan. :D

marketing? you are part of the problem

comeatmebroo6254 1

Well, it's actually an in-depth meeting. Be thankful you can get a laugh rather than talking about the economy or sonething.