By sadparty - 06/11/2009 06:05 - United States

Today, I suffered a mental breakdown. I told my roommates about it, and they decided to throw a very loud party while I was sobbing in my room, unable to sleep. My Xanax prescription ran out, I have no more sick days, and I have to wake up in two hours to work a ten hour day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 138
You deserved it 7 532

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That sucks I know what it's like to have a mental breakdown it's not fun. Your friends should be more understanding. And to the person who posted get over it and stop complaining you must not suffer from real depression. It's not just being sad it's much worse than that sometimes you can barely get out of bad even with medication. Don't judge other people until you have been through their situation

And THAT's when I stopped reading the comments posted on FMLs. Because it's illegal to show empathy, be sympathetic, or even be just a little less of an ass than you could possibly be on the internet. Because the OP taking Xanax obviously means she's junkie, right? Or the OP crying in her room for one night definitely means that she's not going to do anything about her situation, and just continue to whine about it. Human beings are all the same -- everyone handles breakdowns, depression, and trauma the same way, and people that are a less skilled at coping just suck and are not deserving of a break. Hell, if you're even depressed you're defective. Because we automatically know everything about this girl's life, and can safely conclude that she deserves everything she gets due to her inability to take care of her own life. Right? Yes? Okay. Just so we're ******* clear.


1. sleep, don't post an FML... tell us about it at a better time. 2. if you really can't get off work over the phone, and they won't accept your explanation... show up and do your best (which will probably suck), they shouldn't be allowed to fire you because of a medical condition.

ozymandias_fml 0

They would not be firing her over a medical condition. They would be firing her because she violated her contract and did not show up to work as assigned.

letitbe56 0

Reading comprehension fail...#83 didn't suggest she not go, he just suggested that if she went and didn't have a good day, they shouldn't fire her, as it's due to a medical condition.

ozymandias_fml 0

Fair enough, then they fired her for inability to adequately do her job. They are not firing her because she is sick, they are firing her (hypothetically) because she is not doing her job.

letitbe56 0

You can't really separate the two. Anxiety disorders have a huge cost to society and, yes, most of that is due to lost productivity in the workplace. But if a company fired someone whose productivity fell due to a psychiatric condition, then yes, technically they were fired for their psychiatric condition. Someone's productivity could also fall if they broke their collar bone, because even office jobs require two hands for maximum efficiency. So if you think someone should be fired for lost productivity due to anxiety, you should think it's fair for someone to be fired for lost productivity due to a broken collar bone. It would be inconsistent to think otherwise.

technobutterfly 0

"lauralatch", You make it sound like you know the poster. YOU DON'T. Just because one day was tough for her/him doesn't mean he/she wastes all of their time complaining... I'm sure OP does try to do something about their depression, and doesn't just sit around like you're implying.

laura latch.. you seem tp be obsessed with commenting.. seriously.. get a life.

marshmallowmouse 0

OP, I'm sorry, and I know how it goes. This probably isn't the best place to FML it though, most of the world (esp the internet world) doesn't really relate to anxiety disorders. Don't take the suck-it-up's personally, but you should probably try and find a kinder audience that won't make it seem like it's entirely your fault. I hope you find a way to make everything calm down, and just remember that you are the only person who can *make* the time for YOU. :) #86...way to go, bitching about commenting in a comment, lol. toilet paper! whatchoo talkin bout? XD

Punkartmama 0

Sounds like your roommates are sick of dealing with your crap. The whole world can't revolve around one person.

Agreed. Looks like your just gonna have to suck it up. I know it's a horrible thing to go through, but people have made bigger sacrifices than you.

Omg I love how you guys are so understanding! *rolls eyes* do you even know what Xanax is for?!? Stop being so god damn heartless! Op- I'm so sorry! That sucks... My boyfriend takes Xanax and when he runs out of his medication he's all over the place... But he can just stay home... I can't even imagine how hard it would be for him... I hope you get a refill! sorry again!

Depression is hard, you have to have it to really understand it, not even being super close to someone can make you fully understand what one goes through with it. My only question is, I've seen several "I had a mental breakdown" fmls recently and while there isn't a real definition of what one is, typically if you reall had a "breakdown" you would be at the hospital as a breakdown is pretty severe, people need to stop being overly dramatic with that term. Most who say it didn't have a breakdown, but rather a very bad day/episode which isn't technically a breakdown. (For those who want to "nit-pick" the the definition you can look it up, generally a breakdown means you are "unable to function in day-to-day life, and seek professional help, usually within a treatment center")

letitbe56 0

Well, "breakdown" isn't a clinical term, so technically people can use it as they please. But I do agree that it tends to imply something pretty severe, and that people probably overuse it. Also, Xanax is used to treat anxiety, not depression, although the two often present together.

Rosebell26 0

I agree with prettyboy82. Depression is a serious disease that no one should be told to just "get over". Also, mental breakdown is probably not the appropriate term for what you were going through. Still, I sympathize and really hope things get better for you.

Those almost 2000 "YDIs" there are some frightening proof that people have freaking no compassion. O_O Wtf is wrong with people that they end up clicking YDI to someone having a mental breakdown. O_o