By sadparty - 06/11/2009 06:05 - United States

Today, I suffered a mental breakdown. I told my roommates about it, and they decided to throw a very loud party while I was sobbing in my room, unable to sleep. My Xanax prescription ran out, I have no more sick days, and I have to wake up in two hours to work a ten hour day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 138
You deserved it 7 532

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That sucks I know what it's like to have a mental breakdown it's not fun. Your friends should be more understanding. And to the person who posted get over it and stop complaining you must not suffer from real depression. It's not just being sad it's much worse than that sometimes you can barely get out of bad even with medication. Don't judge other people until you have been through their situation

And THAT's when I stopped reading the comments posted on FMLs. Because it's illegal to show empathy, be sympathetic, or even be just a little less of an ass than you could possibly be on the internet. Because the OP taking Xanax obviously means she's junkie, right? Or the OP crying in her room for one night definitely means that she's not going to do anything about her situation, and just continue to whine about it. Human beings are all the same -- everyone handles breakdowns, depression, and trauma the same way, and people that are a less skilled at coping just suck and are not deserving of a break. Hell, if you're even depressed you're defective. Because we automatically know everything about this girl's life, and can safely conclude that she deserves everything she gets due to her inability to take care of her own life. Right? Yes? Okay. Just so we're ******* clear.


Your roommate was just trying to cheer ya up. Geez, way to be a party pooper.

Should have told them to STFU or GTFO and make you a sammich

If you know you need your meds to function, don't let yourself run out of them. What--did you think the Magic Xanax Fairy was going to leave a full bottle under your pillow? You have to take care of yourself.

Fake. If this really happened I doubt you'd be posting it to FML for public ridicule.

Lol@19. She's whinging on the Internet about how much she hates people whinging on the Internet xD

At least she makes good points, has a valid reason for it and contributes to the discussion. Hint. ¬¬

Intellectualist 0

I' m not whinging, I'm just making a point. If I was whinging, I'd say 'Stop whinging, you're runing my life, whing whinge whinge, I'm going to cry like a baby' There is a difference between having a discussion about something, and whinging. It would do you a large amount of good to learn that difference before going out into that big scary world, and talking to people. I'm basically saying, if you're depressed, instead of wallowing in your own self pity, and whinging to people on the internet, do something about it. I don't think there was any whingy crybaby inclinations behind that myself.

And THAT's when I stopped reading the comments posted on FMLs. Because it's illegal to show empathy, be sympathetic, or even be just a little less of an ass than you could possibly be on the internet. Because the OP taking Xanax obviously means she's junkie, right? Or the OP crying in her room for one night definitely means that she's not going to do anything about her situation, and just continue to whine about it. Human beings are all the same -- everyone handles breakdowns, depression, and trauma the same way, and people that are a less skilled at coping just suck and are not deserving of a break. Hell, if you're even depressed you're defective. Because we automatically know everything about this girl's life, and can safely conclude that she deserves everything she gets due to her inability to take care of her own life. Right? Yes? Okay. Just so we're ******* clear.

Intellectualist 0

'she lack the ability to take care of her own life' There's the point. Well done.

I agree with Paprikacha. :o I'm not sure how you could say she deserves it. o_o I mean, isn't her life effed up? :/

Intellectualist 0

She doesn't deserve it, but maybe saying how depressed you are on a public domain, isn't really the way to go about it. I think that's the point. The fact that nothing is being done, the OP isn't even trying, or so it seems. If I'm wrong, I apologise, but from the looks of it, there isn't anything being done, apart from whining like a baby.

catastrophicsock 0

Its not that she deserves it for being depressed, or taking her meds, or having a breakdown. But 1) why would you room with people who clearly would never care about something like that or who party if you're not a partier. And 2(the bigger one) : She never got her meds refilled. I take different medications for different all crucial reasons and no matter how busy I get, I find time to call them in and pick them up. So if she was neglectful, she can only blame herself for not being able to get out of that rut.

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perdix 29

Your roommates were celebrating that Debbie Downer is going to the Funny Farm (while still paying her share of the rent) for a long, long time. Have a nice day at work knowing that they are figuring how to divvy up your closet space.

Perhaps you should have joined in on the partying? Maybe a change of scene (ie: not just locked away in your room and your own little world) might have helped? Or if it was a party there might have been "Alternative medications" you could have used as a substitute? ;) Sorry for you that you need the drugs, or at least think you do, but locking yourself away in a room while a party is going on next door is just going to drive you deeper into whatever little nightmare world you are creating for yourself. Even if you really don't want to go out into the party I am sure there would have been someone there who could have made you laugh and forget your troubles for a minute.

She dont need pills or a shrink she needs maturity and a good hobby!! we all get suicidal but unless your ready to off yourself you just keep on keeping on... Heck I consider hanging myself daily but I keep movin untl I find the guts!!! Ya quit whinin and dopin andd get to work kiddo!!!!

letitbe56 0

If you consider hanging yourself every day...isn't this a case of the blind leading the blind? I suggest finding some help. Living with those thoughts isn't healthy.

The problem with this line of thought is, if someone were obsessing over another person, thinking about them over and over until it began to destroy their life, we'd tell them to get over it. Quit being a creepy stalker and find someone who's interested in you to think about. How is this any different? If you think about hanging yourself everyday, that's your problem. Sure, find someone to talk to about it. But something personal needs to change. Not the people around you! In either situation, the person is unstable because they're choosing to obsess over something, it's just in one scenario it's socially unacceptable anymore to just tell the person to get a life, a hobby, ect. Why should people with normal coping skills be forced to cater to someone's ridiculous attention seeking behavior?