By colorfun - 18/05/2015 03:38 - United States - Noblesville

Today, I surprised my 7 and 1.5 year old girls with a princess dinner. I quickly realized it was a scam when the "princesses" arrived looking more suited to a bachelor party. I was able to quickly get the girls out, but have spent the evening explaining why Pocahontas was heavily tattooed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 633
You deserved it 5 082

colorfun tells us more.

It was advertised as an event for children. The guy running the event refused to pay for the professional princesses when they showed up, ready to perform. I think he intended on scamming everyone since he had the other slutty costumes on hand. The whole thing was a disaster! Police were called, parents were screaming obscenities and threats, etc. My local news station just finished running the story.

Top comments

pleasedie 22

I'm sorry but that's hilarious. He sure came up with an interesting scam They used the pictures I took.


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I just don't understand how you people can be so oblivious sometimes!!!

maddieex 14

The person said that it was scheduled as a children's event but the organizer didn't hire children's performers for it like he said he would.

#55. How in the world did you decipher that out of that FML? I like it though, because otherwise I have no idea how someone could make a mistake like that.

#85- she explained it down below, she is comment #10 :)

Wow, that blows. What kind of company was it you called to get those ...princesses???

nonsensical 26

yes we all need to know... for research purposes.

yes for research purposes, tell us the address and how much they charge. for research purposes ofcourse

I want to know if she accidentally attended a strip club or the actors just weren't suited to being princesses

Hahaha! No accidental strip club! It was just a disaster! A strip club would have been more fun!

I hope your girls aren't too scarred, but it will be a funny story to tell them when they're a little (a lot!) older


Hopefully you didn't pay in advance

hippodankamus 22

Your poor should demand a refund OP, that's kind of ridiculous.

I called my bank today to get the charges reversed! This was beyond disappointing!

jimmer23 21

Gahd, the adult world sucks sometimes.

Okay seriously you should have noticed some things being hinted at it when seeing the description for hire.

Do you think somewhere in the advertising would list "heavily tattooed princess".

I said "hinted" at. Maybe they made a reference to ink or something.

Make your own princess party. With booze and even more strippers. In fact, forget the princess party.

It was advertised as an event for children. The guy running the event refused to pay for the professional princesses when they showed up, ready to perform. I think he intended on scamming everyone since he had the other slutty costumes on hand. The whole thing was a disaster! Police were called, parents were screaming obscenities and threats, etc. My local news station just finished running the story.

pleasedie 22

I'm sorry but that's hilarious. He sure came up with an interesting scam

What's the title of the story? I'm interested…

Holy shit Op. I just read the story about what happened. That's ******* insane shit. I'm sorry you had to go through that and have to explain to your girls about what they saw. They used the pictures I took.

Wow, that's a really low scam to pull. I hope this guy gets locked up for a real long time and that you and the other parents are able to at least get your money back.

I agree with you that it really was funny. My youngest had no clue that anything was off, but my 7 year old was beyond confused!

I gotta say, as shitty as the whole situation is, it is a really interesting scam to pull. I don't think I've ever heard or seen one quite like it.

Oh, I'm laughing about it now! I was irritated that my kids were lied to, but I see the humor in it. I would have just sat in the corner and watched the train wreck if the kids weren't with me!

Shadowvoid 33

Well your story took a turn for the, um... Interesting. A disaster story made its way to my local news where parents were renting bounce houses for their kids' parties and the guy would drop off just the inflatable bounce house, sans motorized air pump. The results were similar to OP's and the guy running the scam claimed that people weren't renting to air pump with the house.

Arokthis 21

The link seems to be dead. I get "page not found" when I use it. A search for "mom angry revealing-costumes princess party" gets the link you posted, followed by a youtube vid that works.

I actually saw the headline since I live close to Indy! So sorry it turned out that way. I hope things go better for you in the near future!

mwali02 32

What a loser. So sorry your family (and everyone else involved) had to go through that. :(

That link's not working for me; was it covered anywhere else?

They have temporarily pulled the video because one of the pictured princesses contacted them about privacy concerns. I guess they are deciding if they need to blur her face. Once they make a determination, they will put the story back up.

Google the link and it's still on a Youtube video.

Can't find story I think it was removed from their website

it's still in the google cache. I'd post a link, but it doesn't seem to work for some reason.

TomeDr 24

Your website doesn't work so you know

@76: It's a link to the Fox Network, I doubt op is Rupert Murdoch. It's still on Youtube somewhere...

I'm sorry but if I was there and between the ages of 14 to now I'd be laughing my ass off

I would suggest if you want entertainment, Facebook has many cosplayers and mermaids. You can see their costumes and talk to them straight.

Honestly those costumes didn't look so bad, course can't see Snow White's, and pocahontas is kind of bad, but Cinderella didn't look bad at all

pleasedie 22

Hope you got a refund or refused to pay for their services