By Anonymous - 30/03/2013 05:23 - United States
Same thing different taste
By GDBeast - 09/01/2013 23:55 - United States
Chill out Deborah
By Anonymous - 17/03/2013 11:00 - United States - Chicago
By Anonymous - 19/12/2011 01:24 - United States
Stolen valor
By Anonymous - 09/04/2020 08:00
By Anonymous - 12/09/2012 21:06 - United States
By Nox - 06/01/2010 07:25 - United States
Young love
By Anonymous - 26/02/2022 02:00
Fake it til you make it
By Anonymous - 07/06/2023 18:02 - United States - Staten Island
By keep_your_eyes_on_the_sidewalk - 25/06/2018 15:00
By Nucleus - 08/10/2015 13:48 - Sweden - Stockholm
Top comments
What a ******* bitch
At least you have a FML account! ;D
I applaud you. I once deleted my own facebook and I haven't broke down and reactivated it yet. Again, props to you for sticking to your guns. As for the girl, there will be less crazy ones out there. Keep searching.
I have relatives and old friends who live quite far away (as in several hours drive away) and apart from occasional visits, phone calls and Facebook are the only means of communication I have with them. However, if I didn't have relatives who lived far away I probably wouldn't have a Facebook account either.
I don't have a facebook, mostly out of stubbornness, but I enjoy making people talk to me through phones or in person
Yes, let us all brag about how we don't have Facebook accounts
74 - they should get awards
Ok!! I don't either!along with instagram and twitter. It cuts out a lot of drama. And there's no need to check on other people's life that much, live your own instead.
I only have instagram coz i like it when people like my pics :D
Great input. Now do you think that is a valid reason?
Yet OP has an FML account...?
#99 no... its anonymous...
Don't feel bad. I gave my facebook to my uncle for Cityville a week after I signed up (thought it was stupid and pointless), dont have any idea what Instagram is, and have a Twitter only to sign into iFunny. I find social networks to be a waste of time and a way to be nosey. It makes me sick how that shit has taken over. The ONLY thing I would like to be a part of is Tumblr because how funny, but I cant see the point if I can't find funny posts/threads. And the only thing I liked about MySpace was the surveys I did with others that I printed to make Scrapbooks etc ^_^
I deactivated mine because I got bored with it. Good for you for not breaking down and starting it back up.
And call the cops as well
Tell her you control the matrix, and therefore don't need an account.
On the other hand if this is how she verifies your identity this is probably how she could ruin your life.
Right, because everyone is required by law to have a social networking account. (I don't have and never want to have a twitter, Facebook, or instagram account.) Plus, what do you tell the cops? "I couldn't find them on Facebook, they must be using a false identity!"
She's insane. Be happy u didn't take her home, she would probably have claimed rape when she woke up.
Good job on giving the crazy girl at the bar a fake name! Now she can't stalk you, but you had all the fun from the night before.
I don't see how this is down voted; this is awesome!
73 - coincidence? I think not.
Serious comment is super serious.
OP didn't give her a fake name they just didn't have an account on any social media
OP you should be happy you found out she is stupid now then a couple months later
They said if they have trouble reading the fml they fix the grammar in their head, not just one mistake in a comment.
Also, 27, if you're going to be picky about grammar you might want to capitalize the beginning of your sentences! :)
Whether or not periods go inside or outside the quotation marks depends on the country. They're both technically correct though.
I suppose you could be thankful for this, because if you had any of these accounts and you gave your info to her, she would probably try to ruin your shit. You dodged a Bullet Bill.
So she met you IN PERSON and couldn't find you on social networking sites and thought you were fake? Reverse catfish?
That show has suddenly made everyone think they need to be suspicious of others and that they can be some sort of online detective in these sort of situations. It's getting a little ridiculous. I had someone act all suspicious of me for no reason and it was the most irritating thing in the world.
He gave her a fake name, is a possible conclusion she came to after not being able to find him on any social networking sites. Still pretty dumb not to mention stalker-ish.
79 - OP didn't give her a fake name. He just doesn't have a Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. Is that really so hard to believe?
Good for you, OP! Never mind her...

I applaud you. I once deleted my own facebook and I haven't broke down and reactivated it yet. Again, props to you for sticking to your guns. As for the girl, there will be less crazy ones out there. Keep searching.
Accuse her of being stupid