By Anonymous - 30/03/2013 05:23 - United States

Today, I texted a girl I met at the bar last night. She accused me of being "fake" because she couldn't find me on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter, then threatened to call the cops on me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 822
You deserved it 3 447

Same thing different taste

Top comments

NickaPLZ 26

I applaud you. I once deleted my own facebook and I haven't broke down and reactivated it yet. Again, props to you for sticking to your guns. As for the girl, there will be less crazy ones out there. Keep searching.

boxbrandon11 20


The world revolves around internet what do you expect

Did you know? You don't have to google the sun to actually see the sun.

Welcome to the new online generation, if it ain't posted on FB it ain't true. Once met a girl who wouldn't believe me that I'm single because I didn't have a relationship status on FB. It sucks. Hate that BS

luckygamer85 7

why do people assume you're the weird one for not using facebook or twitter or anything like that? i deleted my facebook account, i've never had a twitter and i don't plan on looking back. what did people do before facebook and myspace and all that other crap? they actually talked to each other!!! what a society....

Obey_StudBoii 23

She sounds to clingy, but you dodged a bullet with that one.

GetPuckedUp 3

awesome to see more people in the No Facebook club. i never had one, never will.

I don't use facebook/instagram/twitter or anything at all. I must not be a real person either. How would the cops help if we're not even real? Maybe everyone is just a figment of her imagination. It's her world, we're just living in it...

Dodged a bullet there. What a nut. Some chicks are just plain stupid and dumb.

NewYorkMexPR 14

Smh some people are just crazy

Jacksparrow72 21