By princess - 17/03/2009 05:06 - Canada

Today, I texted my boyfriend of 6 months saying that I was in the mood, and that I was in bed, and naked. He texted back saying "U got fingers, use them, im going to bed xoxo". FML
I agree, your life sucks 151 947
You deserved it 40 643

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So he couldn't be arsed to have phone sex? So what? Usually it takes a long time and the guy could have brought himself to ****** at least twice by the time the dirty talk turns the women on enough to climax. I see no FML here. More like FMF (**** my fingers). Buy a vibrator. On a side note it's really his loss. Phone sex can be very hot. :)


You, my female friend, got owned. That was for men everywhere, whether he knew what he was doing at the time, or not :)

green_199 0

That's because he was hittin' some other when you texted!

Zooma_fml 0

Obvioulsy you are quite unattractive seeing that your boyfriend does not respond to your pathetic sexual attempts. In my view, you deserved it, idiot.

if i was her i wuld of dumped ur ass!!!!!!!!

crazydoug 0

For all the guys that keep saying that when women turn down sex it's normal but when guys do it's insane, to girls, I've never turned down my guy so chill on that stereotype too.

ambrosia21 0

i think the FML is directed toward his response, not necessarily to the fact her bf didn't want to have sex. if she was that horny, masturbating would've been fine anyway. just because he denied sex once does not make him gay or her ugly, it also does not mean she should break up with him.

TheOrpheus 0

Wow. wow. To sleep or to fornicate. tough choice.

hey at least he patient haha better luck next time is all i can say