By Ineverknew - 19/03/2009 16:43 - United States

Today, I texted my girlfriend, saying how I hated my job, I felt trapped, and that I was wasting my time working there. A few minutes later, she answered, "That's how I feel about our relationship." FML
I agree, your life sucks 76 743
You deserved it 7 937

Same thing different taste

Top comments

#7: It's not exactly easy... To the OP, that does suck, and she's definitely a bitch for doing that. I'm sorry. :(


Wow thats really messed for her to say to u through a txt, especially if u were dating for a while. If this isn't fabricated i feel bad for you man.

LMAO. **** her in ass blindfold her and let your best friend go at her. Cum on the bitches face and then break up with her that night. Make sure you take pics of your friend ******* her!

#3s suggestion is probably not advisable

Vagabones 0

That was a good burn! It's like you baited her to say that. So it's funny. It's funny people nowadays "text" each other so much. I mean there's no emotion in text. So it's like when you read something, it's up to you on how you want to feel about it. So perhaps you shouldn't be texting your girlfriend and should be instead seeing her in person. If you hate your job so much, perhaps you should find another?

#7: It's not exactly easy... To the OP, that does suck, and she's definitely a bitch for doing that. I'm sorry. :(

kwbuzz23wk 0

thats more cold than funny, but still funny. if you like her talk to her, if not blow a load in her mouth and dump her before she swallows