By Ineverknew - 19/03/2009 16:43 - United States

Today, I texted my girlfriend, saying how I hated my job, I felt trapped, and that I was wasting my time working there. A few minutes later, she answered, "That's how I feel about our relationship." FML
I agree, your life sucks 76 751
You deserved it 7 937

Same thing different taste

Top comments

#7: It's not exactly easy... To the OP, that does suck, and she's definitely a bitch for doing that. I'm sorry. :(


LOL #29 What a bitch!! She's EXIT!! I hope you dumped her already.

women are so ******* stupid, why be in a relationship w. someone when you feel that way? oh yeah now I remember... so some guy can take you dinner and the movies among other places 3-4 times a week and pay for it all. yeah, I said it, you're ALL ******* prostitutes. OP, sorry man, but it's just unavoidable at this point in male history.

wickedgrl13 0

#42 -I can tell you'll never be able to get a girl. Why don't you grow the **** up?

45 maks a point, but i wouldnt worry dude. honestly me and my girl have a great relationship and we burn each other all the time. maybe you are just being alittle sensitive or maybe its her way of saying she feels like you complain alot. either way i hope its nothing, good luck though...

Harsh. #45/46 make points, though. But if you find out she was dead serious, ditch her.

Wow I feel for you. I hate it when people break up with you or have serious conversations by text. Anything important like that should be said in person or at the very least over the phone.

That's evil, but funny in my opinion. :(