By Anonymous - 12/03/2010 07:00 - Australia

Today, I thought I lost my wallet. Canceled my bank cards. Bought a new wallet. Got a $141 parking fine at the motor registry while getting my replacement license which also cost me $22. Went to go to the gym and when I went to put my bike jacket on, felt something inside the sleeve. My wallet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 013
You deserved it 31 755

Romie1985 tells us more.

I actually did look for my wallet, spent over 3 hours looking for it in all obvious places, tore my house apart, checked my clothing pockets several times. It wasn't in the pocket, it fell down the sleeve of my motorcycle jacket. You say I'm an idiot yet half you people can't even read. "Should of checked your pockets". It was down in the sleeve not in the pocket.

Top comments

If you didn't even check all your coats and jackets before thinking you'd never find your wallet again, you totally deserve it.

I agree with 42. Look everywhere more than once before you overreact like that.


Igor_g5 0

Why did you get a parking fine? did you park where you shouldn't?

Igor_g5 0

I would at least look in my pockets first.

You should have looked around before assuming you lost your wallet.

So you panicked. Shit happens. Step number one should always be to retrace your steps. If you can't solve your problems (preferably quickly), then it's time to go through everything else. BTW, you've got six periods but only one real sentence. For love of FML and for the sake of all that's sane, if you're going to post, then why not learn how to write a damned sentence first.

And this is why you look for your "lost" possesions before you start jumping the gun. Epic fail on your part. Still funny lol

That's like buying a new TV because you lost the remote... but forgot to look under the couch.

nicolebenaa 0

this is probably the best fml I've seen in a while haha

ninba20 0

ydi for not looking for ur wallet first...