By Anonymous - 10/10/2010 09:05 - United Kingdom

Today, I thought it would be a good idea to use my epilator on my eyebrows. Needless to say I now have the eyebrow equivalent of a comb-over. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 922
You deserved it 27 201

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Quest_ 13

YDI for even entertaining the idea that an epilator would give you a nice, tidy brow line. Or that it'd be safe to use so close to your eyes, eyelashes, and such thin, delicate skin.

yourlifesfucked 0

Flawless victory. OP wins at writing FMLs.


Actually, "Needless to say" was needless to say.

Well, Amy... Can I call you Amy?  No?  Too bad.  Well, Amy, let's analyze this.  You used an epilator on your eyebrows, and now you're complaining because it looks like you have an "eyebrow combover".  The problem?  You pretty much used a razor on your eyebrows.  Now, I don't know about you, but I have this little thing called "common sense". This common sense tells me that using sharp things on my face is not a good idea.  Usually when people think of dumb thoughts like these, they put them in the back of their head, never to be heard of again.  But you decided to let this dumb thought come and play.  Maybe you should gain some common sense before you go out in public and get run over by a car because you didn't look both ways.    So, Amy, what have we learned today?  Hopefully we've learned that using an epilator, or any sharp object, on your face is bad.  There we go, you've gained some common sense.  You are now one step closer to being safe in this world! Woohoo! :D  Teamwork, Amy.  Teamwork is a very important thing.  In this scenario, you ruined your face with an epilator, and I helped you learn that you shouldn't put sharp things to your face.  You're welcome.

problem with this comment is the whole "don't put sharp objects to your face" idea. I mean REALLY dude. guys shave their faces every day with razors. it is not necessarily a stupid idea. maybe op has a boyfriend and she witnesses him shave his face so she thinks it's safe to put the equivalent of a razor to her eyebrows. FYL for not having the common sense to consider that. do yourself a favor and head-butt an axe.

It's not entirely relevant but an epilator isn't actually sharp. It's basically a series of coils so it's about the equivalent of rubbing a small spring on your face.

I feel like a noob...but...what's an epilator?

leannpaige 0
deformedsurf 0

An epilator is like one of the girls in a cat fight. It's used to pull hair out by the roots.

OP- That's why almost everyone will tell you that they either wax or pluck their eyebrows. Why would you put a depilatory (CHEMICALS!!!) that close to your eyes?! I've never actually heard of an epilator, so I assume it's a depilatory. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Steph, an epilator is actually a mechanical device that plucks hairs from your body like many tweezers at once. I can't say I'd ever take one to my face. OP - Why? Just why?

See, there are so many things wrong with that. (I really don't know if they have epilators here in Canadialand... might be interesting to check out. Maybe that's why I've never heard of them...) Why would you put something like that anywhere near your eye? I can understand putting something sharp near your face, because guys do it to shave quite frequently, unless they have an electric razor. Mind you, there are obviously still blades in that, but I'd feel safer putting that near my face than a disposable razor. Eyebrows are small in comparison to almost every other place we remove hair. That in itself tells you it's not a smart idea to put an epilator near your eyebrow, because you'll end up with nonexistent ones! *facepalm* Aye... people.

Epiliators pluck hairs, I can only imagine that using one on your eyebrows is painful.... and stupid

SmallTownSweetie 0