By yup - 05/06/2011 07:23 - United States

Today, I thought it would be hot if I sent my boyfriend kinky message. He didn't reply so I sent a few more. 10 minutes later I got a reply saying, "Honey, this is his mom and you should be a little less desperate." FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 203
You deserved it 57 245

Same thing different taste

Top comments

that kinda sucks... but ydi. you should've stopped after one.


CountOrlandu 3

wow there's a lot of haters here I say that sucks but I props to you for being a ballin GF!!!

Ur supposed to text him and get him horny, then send the pics

It aint desperate if that's her boyfriend! FYL for having his mom read it LOL

Ha that sux good man never lets ANYONE have.his phone

atleast his mom didn't flip out on you, be happy about that :)

aww that's what happens when you send that stuff sorry

whocaresfylfml 0

yeah seriously, if my boyfriend sent me a message like that, and I didn't have my phone and he kept texting me messages, I wouldn't even answer, op please listen to your mom it will be better in the future

dick_head 4

Oh, yeah, she definitely deserved it. How the **** was she supposed to know his mom was on HIS phone?

ha damn that really sucks I hate moms that are like that