By firehurts - 08/06/2015 23:38 - United States - Wallkill

Today, I threw a bonfire for my birthday. My boyfriend managed to set my leg on fire by throwing his liquor bottle into the fire. Happy birthday to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 294
You deserved it 2 732

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I guess you could say that your birthday celebrations went up in flames.


It's your birthday! You should be smoking! Roasting, not so much...

Happy birthday OP. Why your boyfriend pour liquor on fire though?

What an absolute idiot. Hope you didn't get too badly burnt, OP!

Stop drop and roll... But honestly liquor and fire don't mix well...

marcus101 4

Alcohol + Fire + Humans = Dumb. Just be thankful it wasn't worse...sometimes those things explode sending hot, sharp glass shrapnel in all directions...

Irresponsible humans + just about anything = dumb FIX'D!