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By frustratedandunderpaid - 09/06/2015 01:47 - Canada - Sackville

Today, at my place of work in a fast-food restaurant, a customer called in and bitched at me that her warm food was weirdly cold. That is, after she drove 45 minutes from the restaurant to her house. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 312
You deserved it 1 733

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Must be the best fast food spot around, she drove 45 min.

you just cant win with some dumb ass people OP! tell her to shove it in the microwave


you just cant win with some dumb ass people OP! tell her to shove it in the microwave

Personally I would tell her to shove it in her ass, but okay, microwave sounds good too...

That's how I thought your comment was going to end originally..

Must be the best fast food spot around, she drove 45 min.

She probably picked it up on her way home from somewhere else.

that situation sounds like it could get pretty hot real fast watch out for customers ! I know from personal experience !

Wow. I guess some people really do lack common sense...

jazzy_123 20

apparently common sense isn't that common.

Inform her of the wonderful invention the microwave

That's just cold of her. But get used to it, working in retail-like jobs will drive you crazy.

Dreamsorrow93 24

Called a microwave.... Just tell her a metal bowl, a fork and the food. Put it on high for ten minutes. Problem solved.

#20 nooooo shiiiiiiiiit! really? i thought it was protocol! obvious sarcasm is obvious.

ColonelCusswords 24

In Canada? That shit would be wierd if it was warm.

This is why I hate "The customer is always right". She's probably going to get a free meal even though she's clearly wrong!