By wallets - 29/02/2012 07:47 - United States

Today, I told a customer that we don't do refunds. He responded by throwing his wallet at my face and accusing me of stealing it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 021
You deserved it 2 484

Same thing different taste

Top comments

curtisv123 0

Press charges. Then you will be the cause of his well deserved anal rape as well.


chengy4191 7

Atleast it wasn't batteries those damn things hurt! Yes I do know from experience and yes it was basically the same situations except we do exchanges :/ fyl op :/

alissar14 1

Some people will do anything to get people in trouble

sunga21 3

Lmfao! That's hilarious. I'm sorry but I couldn't help laugh...But that's sucks. Ppl r crazy >.

KiwiKitten 2

That blows. But if the place has security cameras, I'm sure you'll be just fine, so I wouldn't worry too much.

I'd keep his wallet since he "gave" it to me

take the wallet go outside the shop and throw it into the traffic and then say sorry mate we don't do refunds but I like to interest you in this product our special offer today ..!!

Well that's totally how he should've dealt with it. Shame on you for not doing refunds!

And your manager said what? Hope he didn't accuse you for anything