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Having fun over there?

By Anonymous - 07/09/2024 00:00 - South Africa - Durban

Today, I went to the gym for the first time in quite a while. I was feeling pretty good about myself until I realized I'd been on the elliptical machine for twenty minutes without having actually turned it on. I was just moving the pedals and wondering why I wasn’t getting tired. FML
I agree, your life sucks 212
You deserved it 307

Same thing different taste

First impressions

By Anonymous - 01/12/2024 15:00 - Canada - Calgary

Today, I joined a gym. I’m overweight and not very athletic, so I was nervous. I looked around and tried a treadmill. I start walking at a chill pace, then got ambitious and cranked it to a "light jog." Within seconds, I tripped, fell, and sent the emergency stop button flying across the room. The gym staff ran over and I swear someone said, “Well, at least he’s trying.” FML
I agree, your life sucks 474
You deserved it 115

Top comments

You ARE at the gym, unlike me. so Good for you. any activity is better than none Nd if it has been a while, that is a great start. so do feel good about yourself and when ready, take the next step and turn on the machine.

Well, you were still moving, so you still got exercise! :D


You ARE at the gym, unlike me. so Good for you. any activity is better than none Nd if it has been a while, that is a great start. so do feel good about yourself and when ready, take the next step and turn on the machine.

Well, you were still moving, so you still got exercise! :D

sounds like a good confidence booster though! haha keep it up it's hard to get started but you did that