By Maruska28 - 07/09/2017 20:00

Today, we bought our first home after months of searching and years of saving. It's directly in the path of Hurricane Irma and may be destroyed before we even get the chance to move in. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 967
You deserved it 420

Same thing different taste

Top comments

it you have your receipt just take it back and get a refund if it doesnt look used

at least insurance will cover the rebuild if it is destroyed


at least insurance will cover the rebuild if it is destroyed

1) Some policies don’t take effect until 30 or 60 days after they are purchased. 2) For some, the maximum payout for flood insurance doesn’t cover the cost of rebuilding. 3) Collecting insurance can take a long time.

blink831forever 13

That's awful... but it IS just a house and can be replaced. You cannot ... so please stay safe.

GoogieWithers 22

it you have your receipt just take it back and get a refund if it doesnt look used

location location location. always think about natural disasters before buying a home.

why wow? I'm pretty sure any adult who is buying a house would look into the locations history and see that the area is frequented by hurricanes. this only makes sense to do when investing your hard earned money into a home.

Good luck finding anywhere in the US that isn't prone to natural disasters: tornados, hurricanes, blizzards, earthquakes, wildfires, a ginormous ******* volcano that's overdo for a super eruption...

that is true. however a hurricane will demolish a house as will a tornado or earthquake. a super volcano has not gone off so the chances of that are least likely and a blizzard nay do some damage, but not to level the house. again, choose a location wisely and you will run into fewer problems.

Good luck to you and everyone already and still yet to be affected by this disaster. The damage already done is truly awful.

All those clicking the YDI button are retards

It's already awful for all the people affected by the hurricane and the damages that it will leave behind! Do you have insurance? Does it cover natural disasters? It's definitely distressing and depressing news to you. To lose a new house before moving into it! Hope you are safe at least away from the hurricane.