By Anonymous - 30/08/2019 22:00

Today, I told my boyfriend about a friend-with-benefits that I had before him, and he dumped me because I’m still friends with that person, and I didn’t tell him about him right away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 975
You deserved it 2 719

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm not sure about this one. A part of me says staying friends with an ex/**** buddy is mature, but the insecure part of me wonders why you'd hide something like that, what else you're hiding, and how honest you both are about it just being a casual friends-with-benefits deal, especially if it's something that happens when you're both single. If you and your friend can maintain that relationship, and then start *******, why aren't you able to become an actual couple? Again, I know it's insecurity talking, but I guarantee the first thought your now ex-boyfriend had when you told him was "Is she staying friends with him in case she wants to be his **** buddy again, or could she even cheat on me with him because they've been so close before?", and, sadly for you, he's decided not to stick around to find out. There's a big difference between staying on good terms with an ex you see every few months or so, and a friend who is a regular part of your life, while sometimes being your **** buddy. Your boyfriend wasn't comfortable with the latter still being the case.

I’d dump you too. How could I trust you after telling me something like that?


PenguinPal3017 19

And you think this was unreasonable of him? You deserved it!

Hey.. I am sorry that your boyfriend is that insecure. my guess is that in the back of your mind you knew that he would be, which is why it took you a while to muster up the courage to tell him. Kudos to you for trying to maintain honesty in your relationship. I personally can't see why people have a problem with still being on good terms with past lovers. Why would you have sex with someone if you don't like them as a person? Also, people seem to struggle with the concept that you would enjoy sex with someone without actually harboring romantic feelings for them. If people only had sex with those they were in love with, mankind would have gone extinct a long, long time ago. Love is rare. Sex shouldn't be.

korruption 4

Staying friends with a friends with benefits is never an easy thing for a S.O. I do not blame him for leaving as you already hid that you were friends with benefits in the first place

TxKitten79 10

I'm with your now ex-boyfriend on this one. You concealed infornation that should have been revealed very early in the relationship. I'm betting you didn't tell him because you knew he would have a problem with it. Then it came out that you were lying by omission. This makes you look untrustworthy. If you weren't still friends with Benefits Boy, then it would be a moot point and your now ex-boyfriend would be overreacting. But that wasn't the case. Next time be honest.

I understand where your ex-BF is coming from. Relationships with someone have never been the same once physical intimacy was involved. The reasons for going that way can still persist even after the intimacy stops or the relationship ends. As a rule, I’ve never maintained contact with someone I’ve slept with to avoid this kind of second-guessing from a lover and to protect myself. Maybe that makes me weak, I dunno, but to me it means I know my limits.

Plot twist... You boyfriend was using the same FWB behind your back.

J15237 25

Um ya look most men are not stupid enough to think they are with a virgin, but it was not the best idea for you to share any information about a past lover. Especially if he was as friends with benefits and you are still friends. To your boyfriend all he heard is my girl still sees a man she was *******.

tulsy42 6

Why are you obligated to tell him everyone you ****** at the beginning of the relationship? I can’t believe so many people think this is a problem.