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By Anonymous - 22/10/2010 15:03 - United States

Today, my boyfriend of three months told me that he had cheated on me two months ago with my best friend. I decided to give him a second chance. About twenty minutes later, he then broke up with me for not wanting to watch football. Apparently I don't care about his feelings. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 820
You deserved it 13 018

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He'd already cheated on you when you'd been going out for only a month and you actually think it won't happen again?!? How can girls be so naive?

FYLDeep 25

Maybe he was making shit up to get out of the relationship.


lionandthelamb61 9

Also, if a guy can't even keep it in his pants after 1 month, he needs to go make friends with Tiger in sex rehab.

_LoVe_CaThErInE_ 0

hahaha. totally agree!! That is ridiculous!

iGrenade 0

football sucks anyway. should have dumped him when you had the chance.

theman777 0

I'd say get rid of the bestfriend at least the guy came out. + he was obviously done anyways.

christa953 12

ydi for giving the douche a second chance

who even like football (no ofence to football fans u get a life)

Um, he already dumped her. She doesn't have to do anything but go home.

youlikefishstix 0

is it possible he just WANTED a reason to break up with you?

DrainedOfSanity 4

you dererve it fror giving him a sexing chance to cheat.

Why in the **** do British people always think they're so much better!?

@112 - Maybe because idiots like you make America so easy to look down on? His profile says he's Australian.

And yeah, you're better off without him OP.

glorialaura21 8

Am I the only one that noticed OP's bf is trying to get rid of her?

haha i know its crazy hey... you americans are self centered and spoilt... but its ok as long as you not nigerian they are the worst. so dont worry i still like you american

green_eyes124 0

Eh, men. Can't live with them, can't live without them : )

*Sigh* women. Can't live with them, can't shoot them.

Mr_Zachary 0

yeah all the solutions to life's problems are illegal :(

that's something a future serial killer would saay.

kdz 0

more like cnt live with them, cnt live without their dicks!

He'd already cheated on you when you'd been going out for only a month and you actually think it won't happen again?!? How can girls be so naive?

sweetcheeksjvl 0

I agree don't bother......I'm sure he broke up with you because the guilt was starting to eat at him,or he didn't find a way out of the relationship the way he wanted to.Either way he's a douche and a waste of time.You're better off w/o him.

YDI. u should have broke up wit him in the first place..

FYLDeep 25

Maybe he was making shit up to get out of the relationship.

I'm so tired of these boyfriends cheating with best friends scandals. cheap girls and manwhores

YDI for giving an apparent douche a second chance. Hope you find a much better boyfriend.