By Johnvris - 08/07/2015 14:44 - Aruba - Oranjestad

Today, I told my boyfriend how my mom died when I was 11 after crashing her car into a tree at night. He muttered "Women drivers." FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 533
You deserved it 3 235

Johnvris tells us more.

Yeah it sucks but he apologized for his insensitivity and we're still together.

Top comments

He is the physical embodiment of insensitivity.

poppunkette 22

I'm sorry to hear op. And he may have been trying to be funny but it was a pretty messed up joke on his end.


he doesn't deserve to be loved and have a girlfriend with that attitude, what a loser!

your boyfriend's a ***** and you know it

Either he meant well and he's an idiot or he's truly an asshole, either way he doesn't sound like a catch