By Anonymous - 09/08/2017 13:00

Today, I told my boyfriend I wanted him to be a little more masculine and dominant in the bedroom. He broke up with me because I'm not "feminist enough". FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 213
You deserved it 1 375

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Burle 17

Man it is a messed up world we live in, words don't mean what they mean. Doesn't feminism mean women can live the way they choose to live? Thus a woman choosing to be dominated is feminist. But it's all backwards and has been turned into a women vs. men conflict that just leaves everybody unsatisfied

EnvyMe33 26

It's probably a good thing he broke up with you. He doesn't sound man enough for you.


Girl I totally understand, I like it rough too, get yourself a real man LOL!!!

neuronerd 28

While the "not feminist enough" reasoning is bullcrap, sexual incompatibility could be a reason to end the relationship. If you were requesting things that make him uncomfortable, he's under no obligation to do them, and that doesn't make him not "manly." If that's the only way you can be satisfied, you're probably better off with someone more into what you're into.

so I take it he prefers to be the submissive as well?

Chris Smith 9

Its important to be able to talk to your partner (sexual or romantic) about what you want in bed, but how you talk about it matters too. A lot of us have some insecurities as far as sex goes so it's important to phrase it in a non-judgmental way. So in the future if you want dominant partners, I would just phrase it like that. Possible even saying that you want to be dominated, since that will come out as a request or wish, as opposed to "I want you to be dominant" which can be felt to be a critique or demand. (Or you want to be submissive, or switch or whatever you fancy) That being said, It's also something he should have been able to talk to you about. As an adult he should have been capable or saying "look, I felt bad when you asked me to be masculine, maybe we can talk about what we both want and see if we work together" as opposed to taking what seems like an easy way out. He doesn't seem very mature and I'm sure you can find someone whom you have great dominant/submissive sex with that doesn't judge you as "not feminist enough" for it because that's simply bullshit. I'm a die hard feminist and I love being dominated in bed, as well as switching with the right partner.

#equality Don't women want "equal rights" and all that jazz? The misandry is strong here. If he told you to be more feminine and ladylike, there would be an outrage. Women can live however they want, yeah? Well, so can men. YDI

neuronerd 28

The irony is strong with this one.

parangaricutirimicuaro 6

If he told her that in a sexual context he would like her to act a certain way because it turns him on I highly doubt she would have been offended. She told him she wanted masculinity in the bedroom, not in general. You should be able to tell your partner what you're into.

peithecelt 28

because a strong feminist cannot also be a submissive in the bedroom... ffs. clearly the boy doesn't understand what feminism is, and isn't.

Rootbeerbum 15

the guy sounds like he needs to get his head out of his ass and pull the hair and bite the neck a little not feminine enough ha