By screwedwoman27 - 19/06/2011 18:03 - United States

Today, I told my five year old daughter that no, she could not have ice cream for breakfast. She retaliated by pooping in the living room and smearing it on the walls. My in-laws, whom I've been trying to impress for ages, are visiting today. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 037
You deserved it 7 527

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's some awesome parenting you must have provided to wind up with a horrible little brat like that - well done!

Sounds like a good, proper spanking is in order.


Nah... typing on the computer is a much better response.

leprechaun23 15

why are you talking about it wen u should be cleaning it up

FYI fecal smearing is a sign of a mental disorder. Nevertheless, I would hang her on the wall by her ankles where she could have her nose in that stuff while scourging her with a cat o' nine tails.

clarkie007 0

what disorder would that be exactly?

a good spank on her butt will teach her the lesson!

say u were taking in tornado victims into ur house and they made a bit of a mess from some mud they were laying in.

Igor_g5 0

Think you need to learn how to discipline your daughter rather than letting her discipline you.

Wow, just how spoiled do you have this child?!? Discipline that little brat, make her clean it up, and seriously talk to your husband on how to handle this situation to give her not only a swat, but a life-long lesson! That behavior is uncalled for! Chances are, you're the kind of person that doesn't believe in "spanking" your child. If that is the case, then you clearly deserve it, and that's what you get for thinking you can successfully raise a child without discipline!!!

iLoveBoobies21 0

Shoulda gave that bitch some ice cream!

niyah4sho 11

YDI for raising such an abhorrent little brat. Disgusting. Honestly, people want to know what's wrong with society these days? This is it, right here. People don't discipline their kids. The little brats grow up thinking they can get away with whatever they want, scot-free, then--surprise, surprise!--become adults with no personal accountability, responsibility, or empathy whatsoever. People, please, for the love of all that's sacred: if you care about your kids, even a tiny smidgen, DISCIPLINE THEM. Don't try to be their friend. Be their parent.

Now before you bust yet another blood vessel. First I suggest buying a stress ball. Second maybe i'm wrong but I would assume the OP beat her daughter maybe not though. Third society is not filled with people who smear feces on walls. Now go breathe into a paper bag before you hyper ventilate