By KaLa - 08/02/2009 16:30 - Canada

Today, I told my mom I loved her a lot. Her reply? "Thanks." FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 496
You deserved it 4 231

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Do you frequently say that to your mother? This reminds me of that episode of Family Guy where Stewie kept hanging on his mother because she fixed his doll for him, then she finally went insane. This could be what's happening with your mother. Perhaps you should move out before she slams you in the head with a blunt object.

better than something like, "I should have aborted you when I had the chance"


hows this an fml what do you want her to say **** off ho

that really doesnt coumt as an fml...she appreciates ur love

brie3 0

my mom does that al the time T.T

pauseforlaughter 0

people are like 'what do you expect her to say?' uhm...maybe 'i love you too'?

iloveronaldo 0

Really? Totally not FML worthy!!!

HyperExecuter 0

this is the gayest price of shit I've ever read.... this does not mean that she does not love u but hell, even she said something mean, it would still barely be fml. seriously, the only reason she would not love u is if u u wrote gay shit.... oh wait, did

How is this an fml? At least a thanks is better than her replying I don't love you.

I'm calling bullshit because this was on the O.C.

iloveTheMiz 0

I do that whenever my dad tells me he loves me.