By ohgodwhy - 20/04/2012 20:24 - United States

Today, I spent hours baking an apple pie to impress my future mother-in-law. I was especially proud of the fact I'd made the crust and filling myself. When I served it to her, she picked off the crust and, between mouthfuls, bitched that it was nothing like canned pie filling. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 577
You deserved it 2 097

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think cyanide may be a good ingredient to add next time you make one for her... But jokes aside, don't bother making her anything, she'll never like anything you cook.

If she stuffed herself then you know she liked it. It might take her a while to admit the same.


I think cyanide may be a good ingredient to add next time you make one for her... But jokes aside, don't bother making her anything, she'll never like anything you cook.

Exactly, you have to realize that she's just a bitch and no matter what you do she'll find an issue.

Sometimes niceness is mistaken for weakness. Your Mother in law sounds like the type that needs power over you. Stop being so willing to please. Step right back & see if that improves her attitude.

I'm inclined to agree with the point regarding cyanide..... Not to mention risen and arsenic :)

TheBonzaiGirl 0

For a less guilt ridden revenge, try laxatives and laugh because you are shagging her son/daughter and she is ******** her pantaloons!

LoveMay 10
purplemnm 9

._. you're not Sirin, yet you have her profile picture.

pookberry 4

103 that is not the same picture as the picture sirin has. Just thought I'd mention that. It is a different picture in more ways than one. :)

If she stuffed herself then you know she liked it. It might take her a while to admit the same.


so she's stubborn or bitchy?

unagi_fml 9

Probably like "This pie is shit!!" "... Can I have seconds please? :)"

I bet it was delicious and she's just jealous.

daftPunKt 4

Its her job to be a bitch, same goes for sisters in law. Just ignore


Ignore or act that is the question ignore=pussy act=boss

Yeah, I hate when mother in laws are so stereotypical. Why not just be nice??

Ppl suck & they can't help but speak stupidity out loud

blueandpurpleroc 4

Some people have no respect for hard work put into bakery goods made from scratch.


why respect an object, a pastries no less

It's not about the 'pastries' but the effort that went into making them.

Michael_92 20

@61 Cause usually many hours of hard work go into making a pie so you respect the person for using their time to make you something because I am sure they would have rather done something else.

Michael_92 20

@61 Cause usually many hours of hard work go into making a pie so you respect the person for using their time to make you something because I am sure they would have rather done something else.

So true 97, some things even take days of preparation! Cake-Pops anyone?

ellieOphant 4

What the?! Really?! It's an apple pie?! Eat it and like it! I would have slapped her, then got a prenup.

a prenup for what? a bitchy mother in law isnt a reason for a prenup...


But then she would have told her son and u would be labeled violent

Looks like you have some great family get togethers ahead! Good luck!


Ah sarcasm the best invention since criticism


if she's a bitch why see her again?........willingly

Why would she prefer canned pie filling over home made? Silly woman.

OP should throw her canned pie fillings, bitches love canned pie fillings


Ya know what else bitches love? Not being called bitches

The only "b" word you should call a girl is beautiful. Bitches love being called beautiful.


That works for multiple scenarios