By ... - 07/02/2014 20:30 - United States - Glen Carbon

Today, I told my professor that I'll be missing class next week due to upcoming surgery. I asked if I could take the exam that I'd otherwise miss another day. He said no, and that I'd just have to take a failing grade, then wished me luck with the surgery. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 804
You deserved it 4 072

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Zach2014 11

I would talk to the school president and tell him what is happening. Also bing in a note from the dr.

Please, for the love of all that is good, Google it, and don't Bing it, OP.


Oops, hit YDI accidentally. We need an "undo" button on here please site owners!

Can't tell if being sarcastic or actually accidentally hit YDI button. Haha just kidding I wanted to say that

Scynistr 20

Had this happen to me. I needed a tonsillectomy and had to cancel it because my prof wouldn't let me take an important test early.. I took the test and lost my health insurance before I could get the surgery done.

I had this happen to me a few years ago with a final exam. My instructor wouldn't let me take my final early and I had to have the surgery. I decided to write the head of the department explaining my situation and included the medical excuse from my doctor. The head of the department ended up allowing me to take the final early so I wouldn't have to miss it. Seriously, go over your professor's head and explain your situation. Something can be done about it.

That's illegal!! Talk to the dean! Best of luck to you

Ok, so I'm a senior in high school. I tore my ACL in my Sophomore year so I couldn't take my last semester of P.E. until my senior year. Low and behold I ended up fracturing my knee running cross country for my school and couldn't walk for the rest of the semester. I went to talk to my counselor and she literally said, "Well, you'll fail the class and we don't let seniors take gym second semester so you won't be able to graduate". This was the only credit I still needed and I had a 4.0. We ended up going to the superintendent so that I could get switched into weightlifting.

I've had the exact same thing happen to me. Hope you can get it sorted out!

TcheQ 12

Sounds like your prof is ready for the retirement home. Bring it up with the head of dept. Like, a week ago.

Maybe you shouldn't have scheduled your surgery when you know you have class

Most of the time you can't pick and chose when to have surgery. Doctors and surgeons are very busy people who schedule a surgical process wherever they can fit it, so it's most likely out of OP's hands

YeaSo3 14

Take it to the department head. . he can't do that

robertmil90 10