By Halloweenie - 16/10/2009 08:44 - United States

Today, I took a box of Halloween decorations down from the attic. Inside, were a bunch of fake spiders. I emptied the box onto the floor and the "fake" spiders crawled all over the living room in opposite directions. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 160
You deserved it 5 453

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dude that sucks, i hate spiders sooo much

MiddleChild08 0

I would have totally freaked out, because I am terrified of spiders. But weren't they moving while you were carrying the box? Or did they think "Hey, let's stay still so that he thinks we are fake, and when we get to the living room we can escape!"...


FYL!! I hate spiders. I would probably scream and freak out.

Funambulist 0

Dude i feel for you =( FYL indeed i HATE spiders.

ChunAsperEndao 0

Awesome! Happy Halloween to you.

I think I would have shit myself and then dropped dead of a heart attack!!!

Reading this made my skin crawl. That's creepy as hell. Right about now I'm be doing a mad dance, trying to slap spiders off me whether there were any actually on me or not.

piles_of_fail 0

holy hell, I'd freak out. *shudder* spiders are scary shit.

I was Hanging around in the attic with a bunch of my brothers and sisters and this guy came and threw us all over the room, FML!

Bloody hell, I think I would jump from my skin! :P Even the smallest of spiders will create large boundaries as to where I go within the house! And if I was living in Hawaii I can imagine the spiders are not small either. I would dare not enter my house in fear one would crawl up my leg or something . . .

I have extreme arachnophobia and i would move out of that house ASAP! lol hope u r braver than me lol... CANT WAIT $ HALLOWEEN THO I M GONNA BE A BANANA