By natalie_sarantos - 23/12/2015 03:44 - United States - Marshfield

Today, I took a coach bus to travel to New York. Along the way, the bus stopped at Burger King and I went out to buy some food. When I got back, I couldn't find the bus. It left without me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 813
You deserved it 3 434

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Was it meant to be a food stop? Did you tell the driver that you were getting food and would be back? Was the line at Burger King so long that the driver assumed you had been kidnapped and gave up?

orios105 18

Those 10 pc chicken nuggets for $1.49 are to blame. That offer was just too darn irresistible you missed your bus. that sucks. lol.


Did the driver give a specific time of departure? That or someone sneak on and took your seat, because coach companies should do head counts.

Damn that sucks OP. No burger is worth that. Hope you got where you needed to be without too much difficulty.

It's every person's worst nightmare! I hope you were able to get back on the bus somehow!

Let's hope she could FIND the bus first.

Well yeah... that's kind of required to get ON the bus...

I know that same Burger King. It is definitely a food stop, but you'd better get in line for food right away or else the driver won't notice you!

This sounds like Megabus or Boltbus. Those drivers don't play about their time limits at food stops. I almost got left in Delaware because of a long line at McDonalds

drshn 22

I have been there, in my case the bus was going from London to Brussels, beat that. FML

corky1992 33

Did you not ask how long the bus was gonna be stopped?

I've taken a coach home from Blackpool before and there was a food stop then, they clearly stated what time to be back on the coach for and they made sure everyone knew what time the coach would be leaving, whether you were back on it or not. Unless they didn't tell you what time to be back by, I'm leaning more towards YDI.

Time to file a complaint to the bus company. But on the other hand was there enough time to stop for a burger. And even if not the driver should have done a head count before driving off. So what happened?