By mc_dreamy - 21/08/2010 16:49 - United States

By mc_dreamy - 21/08/2010 16:49 - United States
By Soaked - 20/05/2010 15:20 - United States
By teacher - 25/01/2013 05:25 - Australia - Sydney
By gorillalove - 11/09/2010 19:25 - United States
By Anonymous - 19/12/2019 18:00
By Anonymous - 04/04/2015 12:53 - United States
By Anonymous - 12/03/2013 14:05 - United Kingdom - London
By Lionman - 05/04/2012 05:11 - United States - Ann Arbor
By DuhSteven - 06/06/2012 17:04 - Canada - Surrey
By shando - 08/11/2009 02:13 - United States
By wtf bro - 20/05/2015 08:45 - Australia - Canberra
oooh .. aha u need to guide that kid . before she becomes a single mom on the future .. haha
kids say the most amazing things..
in soviet Russia, lions **** you
Holy rabid waffle squirrel that child's parents must be the greatest.
smart kid. I've always thought it best to just tell kids the truth. like my little brother used to call his penis the most random things like 'feather' or he'd call it a 'tail'. my mom was content with this b/c she didn't want to have to address that with him. he's 8 and only recently started calling it his private. and in between calling it a 'tail' & 'private' he used to point & say 'umm... umm... this thing, I dunno' whenever he got soap in it & was burning but took extra time explaining where it burned b/c he couldn't identify his own body part... with that said, 'mating' is okay for a kid to know b/c it's just animals & it's nature. however, whoever taught her that it's called '*******' is not cool.
You would have gotten away with it if it wasn't for those "*******" meddling kids!
Op, if you're not lion, that just means the kid has some honest parents but it doesn't mane anything bad.
omg that's exactly what I thought!
better to have her make babies early on before everyone has STDs
28: ftw. <3
they grow up so fast.
welcome to oklahoma(:
same here!
Lol your niece is awesome! Looks like daddy taught here something new.
25- I thought the exact same thing xD
lol f ur uncle and aunts life. she's their kid not urs
It's funny because it could have been worse and it's moist. Nobody is born gay--it's a choice just like what clothes you wear! FTW!! Dur dur dur I'm cool coz I come one here and comment on every single FML.
Yeah, 14 is hot.
#46, if you make any more puns I will attack you. This will not be tolerated.
this reminds me of that part in Robot Chicken... a little girl and her granny are on a bench... Granny: "I worry about where today's culture is headi-" "SHUT IT YO BITCH!" lol.
kids say the darndest things! Bill Cosby FTW
45: Thanks for sharing. I guess.
hey 14 you're gorgeous. how'd u take that picture?
this isnt funny at all. its awful that a 4 yr old would have even heard that word.
25- I thought of that, too
lol lion humor..classic
lol lion humor..classic
wow thanks. that's REAL nice, just assuming that every kid is retarded and messed up just because you saw a couple of kids like that.
@94 What the heck is your problem? 'messed up stupids' I'm a kid, at least I know proper English. Its unfortunate the kid knows that kind of language, but all in all, it's a pretty funny situation. You can't just lay blame on the parents straight away either, she could have picked it up anywhere. And... throw her into the lion habitat? Someone obviously wasn't hugged enough as a child :)
gotta love kids of this generation ! LOL
ur fault
they most definitely do
atleast shes educated! hahah
kids say the darndest things...
lol that's hilarious
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Show it anywayno need for Sex Ed.
that's what she said
Poor Ed. :[
How is that a lesson? if op had told a normal kid they were ******* the kid would have told the parents and op woulda got his ass kicked, so op was just telling the kids something easy to understand and much less innappropriate. But a smart kid can tell they're ******* right away, if it was leap frog one woulda made it over unless it's one fatass lion.
you don't have to say "oh they're *******". you could, in a very adult manner explain to the child that was they said was inappropriate. then you could explain that it is a natural process, but, for humans, one that is supposed to be private. obviously the concept has been explained to her already.
You do not have to differentiate between humans and animals. A simple "they're mating" "they're making babies" or even "they're having sex" would suffice. Just be honest with the kids. Honest knowledge is not going to make them more sexually fact it's been proven to decrease early sexual activity.
Well, she's 4. I think she shouldn't know what sex IS until at least 8. Kids don't know most things, so she could say 'lets play family' or w.e. to one of her boy friends and try to do what lions did, and if she's in preschool, that's gonna raise a lot of questions. Leapfrog is fine, it's not like she's never going to get sexual education or gonna look back on this 10 years from now and say "DAMN MY AUNT! She totally ruined my view of sex."
Honesty is the best policy... when it's your child. Things get tricky when you're babysitting or spending time with someone else's kids, though. In the OP's situation, I would probably just say "I don't know." Better the kids think you're dumb than the parents get upset.
seems like alot of people dream of being a psychologist????
110, you must be new here. if the kid hadn't made it clear that she already knew what sex is (although she shouldn't be swearing, that much is definitely parenting fail), then we'd be seeing an FML about how she started "playing leap-frog" with the kids at preschool or something. and you think a kid shouldn't know about sex until they're EIGHT? kids are hitting PUBERTY at 8 years old, they are more than prepared to know the basics of reproduction (man and woman have sex, baby is made) when they start school.
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Show it anywayPedobear
oooh .. aha u need to guide that kid . before she becomes a single mom on the future .. haha
WOW! What has she been learning at preschool!?