By gorillalove - 11/09/2010 19:25 - United States

By gorillalove - 11/09/2010 19:25 - United States
By Anonymous - 19/12/2019 18:00
By foojew93 - 09/08/2009 17:41 - United States
By Anonymous - 15/05/2012 03:52 - United States
By Anonymous - 04/04/2015 12:53 - United States
By Anonymous - 26/03/2023 04:00 - Venezuela - Caracas
By Anonymous - 01/02/2023 10:00 - United States - San Diego
By mc_dreamy - 21/08/2010 16:49 - United States
By LennyComa - 19/03/2017 00:00
By bunny - 16/08/2009 13:58 - United States
By Anonymous - 25/09/2013 21:33 - United Kingdom
ydi for being a sl*t.
No need to be so saucy, Ortega.
I didn't know they could do that
Lol 20 wins the comment of the day award hands down
or maybe Op looks like a female gorilla.
HAHAHAHA! You should take it as a compliment!
lol @ 20
Haha...effin hilarious.
FYI Monkeys and gorillas are two different species of animal, and are not related to each other.
I love how it doesn't show OPs gender... so imagine if it was a guy. Gay Gorilla [;
The same way that slightly more intelligent animals, called "humans," do, 165.
same way any one else would
take it as a complement.. if u were a gorilla, u wuld be a hot one
It's either monkies, gorillas, or both that also can do it for pleasure. They're smart enough or close enough to us I guess.
Lawl. That was a great FML.
gorilla thought you were a sexy beast
you should have shit in your hand and thrown it at him.
Hmmm so the monkey was spanking his monkey ?
lmaooo @162 .. win ^^
Exactly the same way as humans.
Explain dogs humping legs then. Or that masturbating turtle that I saw on youtube. How the hell do we know animals don't have sex for pleasure? Are scientists handing out questionnaires or something? Of course they do it to procreate, but who's to say they don't just do it because it feels good? They just might not be as frequently horny as primates. I have to assume most quadrupeds don't ********** because they lack the opposeable digits.
Hey! It's inter-species erotica, fucko!
82# win.
#20 is a win
yeah good use of puns...
Yes dolphins do have sex for pleasure and for reproduction
#198 Some apes do do it for pleasure, and so do dolphins
he thinks you're hot
Thank you kindly for explaining for us. We were confused.
pics or... nevermind.
I agree with youu
I dont
^Well then, kind sir, I suggest you do as the gorilla and go **** yourself.
What kind of ****** up Tarzan did you watch as a kid
look at that again. a GORILLA thinks OP is sexy. a GORILLA.
Haha, a horse did that to my friend once. She walked up to the pen the horse was in and its penis extended out of its little pouch thing.
^^ epic win!!
that means it's gonna pee smart one
@96 why don't you give us all the technical terms? :p @207 I'm pretty sure it didn't need to pee afterward.
Ur stupid horses mostly dangle for no reason. It's like when guys like to chill in their boxers
make him a sammich and give him a *******
Yeah, it always annoys me when most guys just see a girl, pull down their pants, and start jacking off. It really clogs the hallways.
And they never have enough wet floor signs, either.
bwahaha 100 FTW!!!! XD
Worse yet, JaneDoe, is when guys happen to glance out their windows while driving. "Bridge may be slippery" signs are in almost as short supply.
Aah, and suddenly the high incidence of summertime bridge crashes is explained. Here I thought there was a weird black ice phenomenon in the local riverbank microclimate.
u must be hot!!!!!
pics or... nevermind.