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Well hello sinners…

By Yesenia - 02/09/2023 14:00

Today, I learned that ever since I got a tattoo, my mother had edited her will, said I was no longer her daughter, and took me out of it. While my sister got a payout, I basically missed out all because of a small tattoo of a flower on my ankle. I’m a single struggling starving mom. She knew this. FML
I agree, your life sucks 708
You deserved it 488

Same thing different taste

Top comments

what i want to know is that if your mom is that much of a prude, why would you show her the tat in the first place?

I understand what you're saying because it is arguably a vain and arguably hypocritical move, it is her body and her choice. It is what it is.


While I agree that her reaction was very harsh, WHY would you get a tattoo knowing you don't have all that much money in the first place?

I understand what you're saying because it is arguably a vain and arguably hypocritical move, it is her body and her choice. It is what it is.

I get and agree with "her body her choice". That tattoo parlor better have agreed to really small monthly payments for her to afford it, though.

Vesi 29

"a small tattoo of a flower" is at best $50-$75. Definitely not break the bank for a little bit of ink.

Sounds like the bank is already broken if she's "struggling and starving". Hopefully the tattoo was from before it got that far.

what i want to know is that if your mom is that much of a prude, why would you show her the tat in the first place?

That was unnecessarily harsh of Mom. But the truth is parents do not “owe” their children a living once they are functioning adults… OP, I sympathize that Mom’s reaction was way over the top. But there are ethnic groups and religions with religious prohibitions against tattoos. I know, today that seems crazy, but Mom was probably a product of her times and background… But apparently you are an adult OP, and you really should have learned a skill that allows you to earn a living. The apparent fact that you didn’t is both yours and your Mom’s fault. But you are the one who has to take that responsibility now… You might try and see if your sibling(s) are sympathetic to your plight, but don’t “demand” a share of the inheritance as that won’t help you at all… And I assume you are getting child support from the father of your child? If not you really, really need to do that. He owes to help support his child… My wife took care of her mother for years when she developed brain cancer. Her sister didn’t help. When the mom died she left the majority of her estate to my wife to be. The sister demanded more than her share according to the mom’s will. That just made my wife to be angry and less inclined to hear her sister’s demands. It didn’t help either that in some ways her sister was better off economically.

If you're struggling and starving, why are you pissing away money on tattoos? You'll need to invest in a tattoo removal, get back in your mom's will, then put out a hit on her. Soon, you'll be rolling in cash and can get inked up as much as you want. At a tattoo parlor, if your plan works, but in prison if your murder-for-hire plot goes awry.

DirtySalamander 9

I dont think you "knew" how to read.

sorry it's not your mom's fault you can't adult. she had no obligation to leave you anything. it's not yours it was hers.

Interesting that sister felt no need to redistribute funds more equitably either. Your whole family hates you.

you deserve better then her money. I know it sucks, but you'll find a way hun!