By :,< - 17/09/2012 17:16 - United States

Today, I took my daughter to a pony ride at the fair. I paid to have her picture taken, and when we got home, I emailed it to my mom. She replied, disgustedly pointing out that the pretty little pony was displaying a pretty little penis. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 426
You deserved it 2 622

Same thing different taste

Top comments


ViviMage 39

Male equines, before they do a #2, the head of the penis extends and he lifts his tail. Another few mintues you'd have a priceless photo of pretty pony poop.

Or it's a standard stallion and he peed...

I think maybe your Grandmother needs to "have the talk" with your mom.

It's really so shocking and surprising that a male pony has... a PENIS? :p

MrBoredomioo 18
legoman213579 13

Why has no one said my little peni-oh

How is it shocking that a male animal has a penis?

I ride horses every week and it is a very natural occurrence they do it when they pee. Your mom sounds very narrow minded.

Yes, clearly the problem is that the animal has body parts and not that she can't get over her own damn self for ten minutes...