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By Scarlett - 16/02/2013 06:03 - Canada - Barrie

Today, while I was babysitting, the little girl wanted to show me a picture that her mom had just sent to the family iPad via iMessage. Trying to be helpful, I clicked iMessage, only to see pictures of her father's erect penis. She won't stop asking about the "hotdog" in the picture. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 827
You deserved it 3 611

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Technically, you can't even be sure it's her father's penis...


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What kind of demented dachshund looks like an erect penis?

That would just bring the child's hopes up, even if Christmas is a long time away

WingsFan80 4

It says birthday not Christmas anyway

chlorinegreen 27

She would probably never get that job again because 1. They're probably going to assume she was snooping and 2. She said its a dog tricking the little girl and getting her hopes up. What kinda person does that?

Technically, you can't even be sure it's her father's penis...

All babysitters have seen the penis of the father who's kids she's watching. Don't you watch ****! That's day one shit...

It's true, babysitter gang bang was a true classic.

Haha, I can't believe that's getting thumbed down! I thought I struck gold with that one! Maybe we need more male voters..

15- Because all guys think every sex joke is hilarious.

@55, I was going more along the lines of male voters relating to the comment I made considering the circumstances of the FML. I think either sex could find the joke humorous!

LuckBeNimble 19

well maybe it's just me, but my texts and messages are prefaced by a contact name. and I feel people tend to be aware of their employer's name. though I guess somebody could just slap any name on there to cover up shady business.

unlifeoftheparty 10

for all we know, more than just his junk was in the photo.

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lsfactor 4

What's a taco hotdog? Please explain to the class

It's pretty obvious IMO But on another note I'm surprised She didn't know wat it was considering their generation

X_Codes 11

Small child. Not a teenager. Also, chances are she's going to find out in the very near future.

Karalela44 15

I, too, am curious as to what a 'taco hotdog' is...

snufflelump 12

The raise is right under her nose..

ElementaryEdGuy 18

42 = Why did that take me like five minutes to get that?

420Zombie 17
GuessWhatKids 13

When she gets older and remembers this, she'll be scarred forever.

DahfuqMyLife 2

Matters on the age, I barely remember anything before 5 years old.

Most people start remembering stuff when you are around 3 or 4 years old. But you could remember things from before that age, like a trauma or just something that really had your attention, good or bad.

oj101 33

Was it comparable to a kielbasa, or a cocktail stick sausage?

iamabamf 17

It was comparable to a hot dog, clearly.

There's those tiny hotdogs, normal ones, and smokies...

Keattles 14

That couple is into some big stuff.

MrClean17 15

Maybe it's just me, but I dont consider a couple sexting a big deal.

Hiimhaileypotter 52

On the "family" iPad, though... I don't think that's right. They should be more careful.

BellaBelle_fml 23

I think that sending your spouse racy texts and/or racy photos periodically can be a good and healthy thing to do. It helps to keep the passion alive and it reinforces their sexual attraction to one another. Although I do agree with 26 in that they really shouldn't be using their family iPad to send those kind of messages. But sometimes, if they both have an iPhone as well as the iPad, their iPhones and iPad are linked via wifi and so all of their texts, emails, and photos appear on both. But I think that there is a way to prevent that from happening, I'm just not sure as to how you can go about doing that.

chlorinegreen 27

My boyfriend sent me a pic of his penis and told me to come over and give him a blow by blow of my day so I sent a picture of my left hand and told him to put a ring on it

Are you sure it's a "family iPad" if those type of pictures are being sent? If it is then ... they're pretty liberal?

One of the parents could have sent (or been sent) the picture message from another Apple device. iMessages and other downloads (apps, music, etc) can appear automatically on all devices signed in to the same Apple account if the correct settings are enabled. Whoever sent the message was likely not aware of this, or didn't remember the "family iPad" at the time.

mega20913 8

just casually advert her attention elsewhere..if she's young enough to think it's a hotdog then it shouldn't be too hard to get her focused on something else...