By :,< - 17/09/2012 17:16 - United States

Today, I took my daughter to a pony ride at the fair. I paid to have her picture taken, and when we got home, I emailed it to my mom. She replied, disgustedly pointing out that the pretty little pony was displaying a pretty little penis. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 426
You deserved it 2 622

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Anyone who has been around animals know that they too have a penis. There is nothing wrong with this so why are you so upset? YDI

She's not upset, the grandma is. There's no reason she deserves the way her mother reacted to a perfectly normal picture.

photoshop it out if it bothers you that much!

robert76 5

Catherine the Great she is not.

aimeesea75 16

My little penis, my little penis~

I work pony rides at a zoo, the male ponies walk around with it hanging out all the time... What's the big deal? It's an animal.

doglover100 28

Male animals have penises. Not a big deal they can't do anything about it.

Pretty little penis, lol! :D Hey, btw, don't ever use the words little or pretty in the same sentence as penis, if talking to a guy... for some reason a cute penis is not at all what they'd like to hear... oopsie :,3

HeyArnold91 8

At least the penis was pretty, right?

Did she think that horses dont have penises or something?